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Recommended Resources

Below are links to some excellent Christian resources from around the internet that we recommend.


The website of Albert Mohler, former pastor and current president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. Includes thorough cultural commentary from a Christian worldview.


A website dedicated to Bible study including tons of articles, commentaries, and other free resources to help deepen your understanding of God and His Word.


The website of author Tim Challies. Contains lots of thoughtful articles and book reviews.


Desiring God

Ministry of pastor, author, and theologian John Piper. Contains all of his sermons and download links to many of his books. Lots of great devotional content, Scripture commentary, and responses to difficult cultural issues.


Got Questions

A repository of thousands of question-and-answer style articles written from a faithful, Biblical perspective. It's also really well-organized and easily-searchable.


Reasonable Faith

Ministry of Christian apologist William Lane Craig. Lots of great apologetics content including articles on the existence of God, the truth of Scripture, and the resurrection. Also has videos of many of Dr. Craig's various debates against atheists and other non-Christians.


Stand to Reason (STR)

Christian apologetics organization founded by Greg Koukl. Lots of helpful resources including dealing with difficult passages of Scripture and addressing tough cultural issues.



Audio and video shows with a conservative Christian foundation. It is both entertaining and edifying, and definitely worth checking out!

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